& Rails
February 2021
Hello friends,
The past year has been quite tumultuous in so many respects for all of us. We continue with the social distancing rules even as they change from week to week. The opportunity to perform has eluded us and will continue to do so as we still have an uncertain future.
Walt has been doing some recording here at home and continues some limited teaching via ZOOM. Thank goodness for technology to keep us somewhat connected in these difficult times!
With the rollout of the new vaccines and coming warm season, perhaps we can get a handle on the public health situation and find our way to some sort of normalcy. In the meantime, we continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers and wish you all the best.
~Walt & Paula
Summer 2020
Due to a slow start in January and February and then with the onset of the community distancing orders from the Health Department, Trails & Rails has not had any public performances so far this year. We will continue to obey Health Department guidelines and encourage everyone to do likewise.
We miss all of our friends and colleagues who have supported us throughout the years by coming to our shows and who have reached out to wish us well. With some good luck, this too will pass and we can all celebrate our freedom to assemble for music and community again soon.
We would like to remind you of our recorded music that you can find on our Store Page. The varied songs and instrumentals hopefully can bring some joy and happiness to those who are feeling isolated and missing the concerts.
Best wishes to all, take good care of each other and find solace in the good music that so many of our community have produced. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we wish you all the best.
~ Walt & Paula
A New CD
As of May 2017, Walt's new all finger-style guitar CD is now available.
Head off to the Store page to learn more about it!
On February 7, 2015 at Sierra Vista, Arizona,
Trails & Rails released their newest mostly-western CD,
"Gatherin' Strays"
featuring seven brand new original songs by Trio member, Mike Craig,
and two new songs by Walt.
With the first song Mike brought to the group, "He's a Cowboy", we were impressed by his ability to capture the attraction of western life - even though he has not been a cowboy himself . . . as far as we know.
Then he brought "Hallowed Ground" - a beautiful description of spending time outside on the land. We were amazed at where he took us with that song.
And the songs kept coming! Nothing to do but get them out to those who love western music and the western way of life.
"Gatherin' Strays" collects Mike's songs along with a couple of Walt's originals and adds to them a few more western with which most of us are already familiar.
Walt's "Canyons of My Mind" sings about his experience growing up in a West that has changed so much in our lifetime. And it has the old-timey flavor of the mountain music that some of the cowboys brought west with them.
Speaking of originals, please note that the wonderful CD cover is an original painting - done by a friend who prefers to remain anonymous. There are surprises everywhere on the insert that he also designed.
Look for the stampede - and of course, for the 'ghostly' Walt.
Go to "Gatherin' Strays" on the Store page to see the entire song list and production information.

Hallowed Ground
Mike Craig ~ February 2015
The campfire coals are red and gold - The night is cold and clear -
Across the wide and darkening sky - A billion lights appear -
The trail was long I rode upon -
Now day is gone and I - will lay me down -
upon this ground - Beneath the heavens high -
The velvet curtain of the night is pierced with pinhole stars -
And coyotes cry their lullabies like phantoms from afar.
And I’m alone but I’m at home - the Spirits of this land -
They keep a cowboy company - A comfort close at hand.
And dreams begin as I breathe in - The incense of the sage -
A peaceful, deep and needed sleep - The evening’s turning page -
Oh, I could not begin to tell the sights - the smells - the sounds -
Of senses overwhelming me - A presence all around.
And looking up from where I lay, the heavens draw me near -
I have my place within this space - This land I hold so dear.
Yes, I’ve been given such a gift - My blessings all abound -
To live upon the land I love -
My heart’s in Hallowed Ground -
My heart’s in Hallowed Ground -

Trails & Rails in concert, September 8, 2012
at Templar's Hall in Poway, California
Produced by San Diego Audio Video
Ryan Norr and Will Zauscher
Excerpts from a San Diego Folk-Heritage-sponsored concert given on September 8, 2012 at Templar's Hall in Poway, California. The video selections hint at the variety included in a Trails & Rails concert, where you can hear music from the genres of Western, Folk, Swing, Blues, and early Country.

In addition to the live shows, Trails & Rails is getting radio airplay around the U.S. and around the world. On a list of the "TOP 100 Contemporary Western Artists Most Played in 2012" by reporting DJ's, T&R was #26.
On the 2012 TOP 100 list that includes All Western Artists, including those who are no longer with us, such as the Sons of the Pioneers, Gene Autry, Roy Rodgers, and Marty Robbins, T&R was in the #30 spot.
(These lists were compiled by Western Music Association Board member
and award-winning DJ, Marvin O'Dell, from information sent in by reporting DJ's.)
