Trails & Rails, The Duo
Hear the West come alive !
Without trains, the American West would not have opened up when it did.
Without trains, the cowboy, as we envision him on those long trail drives, would not exist.
Western Music Association Duo Harmony Winners,
Walt Richards and Paula Strong,
formed the acoustic group, Trails & Rails,
to combine their Western history interests with
their love of Cowboy and Train songs
to bring you the best of both !
Coming from the San Diego area, Trails & Rails has performed extensively in the Southwest and has been featured at many Western Festivals and Events, including the Cody Stampede, the Arizona Folklore Preserve concert series, the Cochise Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering, Calico Days and the Wild West Fest at Calico Ghost Town, the Autry Museum and the Tombstone Western Music Festival.
See the Events page
Trails & Rails has been honored to receive many
Award nominations
from the Western Music Association
Recently, Trails & Rails has been expanding their performing repertoire to include 19th and 20th century Pop and Folk tunes, as well as creating musical history presentations on various aspects of the West, of Trains and of the music and cultural legacy of the 1930s!
New Train, Cowboy and Swing songs are still being written!
Old and new, Trails & Rails
enjoys them all.
Experience their energy and enthusiasm for this great
Let them reconnect you with our heritage!
Listen to sound samples from their 8 current CDs on or iTunes

With the addition of Mike Craig, in 2011,
Trails & Rails currently plays in both Duo and Trio formats
Photo by: Jack Dostal at Calico Ghost Town 2014
The Trails & Rails Trio
Each of the trio members bring years of prior acoustic music experience to the group.
The result - a serendipitous synergy of harmony and amazing instrumentals.
Besides musical/history programs, Trails & Rails is also available for:
Western Events
/ Festivals
and Railroad Events
From an active repertoire of several hundred songs,
Trails & Rails creates a special program for each event they play.
Audience members often comment on how much they appreciate
the song-related history shared during a show.
When performing familiar songs, T&R encourages audience involvement.
Repeat invitations keep this group very busy.